
Thursday 7 June 2018

Science - Gravity

In Room9 I learned about Gravity and weight.

Image result for ScienceWe learned about witch object is heavier then the other, So what we tested first was the Basket ball and the Tennis ball so everyone voted witch one will fall to the growned first and 8 people voted for the Tennis ball and 4 people voted for the Basketball while 1 person voted for both.
So when we recoreded it and put it on slomotion we saw witch one was first to the growned and it was BOTH.
I didn't really ecpect to see both to hit the growned at the same time because I always thought that the hevier object would hit the growned first before the lighter object.

Since we were learning about gravity I thought of a question

If we don't have gravity in space then why doesn't the moon fall onto earth and why doesn't the planets just fall?

In Room9 I also learned that Science is all about asking questions and that there are no rights or wrongs and in Room9 we have been asking some really good questions?


Thank you for reading my blog and feel free to leave a comment and thank you once again.👍

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